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Friday, September 20, 2013

A Note on Origins

There are many different styles of martial arts, some ancient and some modern. New ones pop up all the time. But, almost always, the newer styles stem from ancient traditional roots. The first style I ever studied (Ryuchi) was a blend of Shotokan, Goju-ryu, and Okinawan weaponry, under Shihan David Nori. The style is only about 50 years old, very new in comparison to the old traditional styles. I then studied Shoalin Kempo for a couple years, and I have added some of those forms and techniques to my curriculum.

For those who are interested, here is the breakdown:

Basics- Stems from all styles of martial arts.

Defense/combinations- Most come from the Shaolin Kempo system.

Forms- all from "Kata Shichi-kyu" to "Kata Shodan-Ho", are unique to the Ryuchi system, but are inspired by Shotokan and Goju-ryu forms. The underbelt weapon forms are also unique to Ryuchi, but inspired by traditional Okinawan Kobudo. Other forms are adopted from Shotokan, Goju-ryu, and Shoalin Kempo. I will make a note of which forms come from where in the rank requirements.

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